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FUNCTION: This transaction retrieves and displays name, arrest date and JAIN of all juveniles arrested and reported by the same agency and arrest file number. JFIL can be used to find companions on an arrest when the file number is entered in a consistent format by the arresting agency.

To display the JFIL mask from the JAI MENU:

1. Key the transaction code JFIL.
2. Press the ENTER key.

To display the JFIL mask from any other JAI inquiry screen, key JFIL in the lower right corner and press ENTER key.



To retrieve JAIN and companion information by a file number, key the following:


Data Element Name


# Chars

Special Considerations

Arrest File-No



Alphanumeric. LASD does not use a standard format for entry.


Arresting Agency



Alphanumeric. NCIC Agency Code. See JAI Code List. If code begins with CA019 key last four digits. Otherwise, key entire code.



If there is no record for the file number, the response will appear at the bottom of the JFIL mask.

If the file number is found, the response will be an intermediate screen, entitled JAI NUMBER INQUIRY FOR 00000000000 (file #). One or more names will display.

The first line contains the JAI FILE NUMBER INQUIRY FOR (File Number). The second line contains the page number. The remainder of the screen lists the associated arrest agency, last, first, and middle names, arrest dates, and JAINs with the file number. A maximum of sixteen names will display on a page.



To retrieve JINQ on a juvenile, key an "X" in front of the selected JAIN and press ENTER key.

There may be multiple pages of the JFIL response. "Page" with the PA1 or Page Up key until the last message is END OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION. Additional `paging' instructions, including `back paging,' are at the end of Section 9.

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